All About You Salon & Spa
Company Name: All About You Salon & Spa
Status: This location has Closed
State: California
Post: 95624-2071
County: Sacramento
City: Elk Grove
Address: 9075 Elk Grove Boulevard #120
Phone: (916)686-4224
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Sharon Breault
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 723106 Industry group: Personal Services, Business category: Beauty shops, Subcategory: Beauty salons
Employees: 8
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 312,000
Overall: All About You Salon & Spa is a business categorized under beauty shops, which is part of the larger category personal services. All About You Salon & Spa is located at the address 9075 Elk Grove Boulevard #120 in Elk Grove, California 95624-2071. The Owner is Sharon Breault who can be contacted at (916)686-4224.
Description: Skin Care | Nail Salons | Hair Salons,
Working hours: Mon: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, Tue: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, Wed: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, Thu: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, Fri: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, Sat: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm, Sun: 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
- Beauty salon
- Hair salon
- Nail salon
In summary:
- She listened to me and was personable and gave me an amazing hair style.
- She ALWAYS offers me a cookie and water or tea when I am there.
- It's a very friendly place over all.
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Click here add new review about: All About You Salon & Spa (Personal services)
Name: L.S.
Message: Lisa is always great both for hair and esthetician.
Name: P.M.
Message: I have always loved this shop, especially Lisa. I can trust Lisa in anything I ask her to do from haircut. Color, makeup, brows, and my lashes! It's a very friendly place over all.
Name: C.M.
Message: I LUVVVVVVVV this place. I first went there several years ago. My hair stylist Jeni is the BOMB! She introduced me to a color that no one else has & I have gotten more compliments on the color. She ALWAYS offers me a cookie and water or tea when I am there. When she knows I have an appointment, she will have cookies for me. That makes me feel important. The receptionist at the front is always personable and considerate. I would HIGHLY recommend All About You to everyone that I meet.
Name: A.R.
Message: Warm and inviting atmosphere. I was greeted when I arrived and offered hot tea. Very comfortable leather loveseat and chairs with current magazines in the waiting area. My stylist Christine consulted with me right on time. She listened to me and was personable and gave me an amazing hair style. My hair is healthy and beautiful. Excited to return for color next month. I've been looking for a no drama salon and I have found it! Highly recommend. Great hours and same day appointment. A +++. No wonder thy won the Best of Elk Grove 2011!